Tape Club Age

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If you’re up for a VIP experience while in London, Tape Club is one of the top VIP venues and it is located in the center of Mayfair in Hanover Square. It well known for its contributions to the London nightlife scene especially on the members-only circle. But not everyone can enjoy its treatment as there is a Tape Club Age requirement which is over 18s. Unless you are over 18 years old, there is no chance you can party at Tape Club London. But it can be an amazing venue if you’re planning to celebrate your 18th birthday in style! For more information on the Tape Club Age requirement, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us London Night guide.

Tape Club Age

Many celebrities have been spotted on our Tape Club Guestlist including Paloma Faith, Cara Santana and many others in the music industry especially when there are music related launch parties at the club. Wanna party at Tape Club London! Make sure you fill the Tape Club Age requirement first!

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